
Showing posts from 2014


Sleep is a state of body and mind such that it is relaxing and allows us to get refreshed. Without sleep, life is impossible. Every living thing sleeps. It mainly relaxes the body and mind. But does it do another thing as well? Here's what I think: Sleep acts as a protector. It protects us from somewhat dangerous things that we cannot live through if we were awake. Some reasons are: According to Mr. Allan Zullo , author of "World's Dumbest Crooks and other true tales of bloopers, botches & blunders" states that a 37 year old man ,who was camping one night, was found 70 feet (12 metres) below, at the base of a cliff. Amazingly he wasn't seriously injured! A police spokesman informed that he was only alive because he was sleeping. After an accident or some serious incident, we often go into coma, a state of deep sleep. This protects us from dying right away. A theory suggests that we sleep to be protected from attacks of predators. This suggests that

Pakistan School Massacre 17/12

Yesterday on 17th December 2014, the world witnessed grieving massacre of students at a school in Pakistan by terrorists.  It was a normal Tuesday morning in Peshwar's Army Public School when the massacre had started. One moment the children were studying at school and the next they were all fleeing for their lives. A group of terrorists had invaded the school. More than one hundred children died yesterday - around 141 people, mostly children. There were blood stains everywhere. It was a sad, quiet atmosphere. Where there once kids running with joy, all that is left is a blood stained school.  I feel sad thinking about all those children who died. Thinking about their families screaming with horror brings a tear to my eyes. I wish there was some way we could help them. But there is almost nothing we can do. Life is more precious than money, money lost can be gained once again but a life lost cannot be gained once again. Losing a child's life causes more sorrow as it an innoc

My Dream

A dream is a vision which one tries to achieve and what everyone should have. My dream is to be a world renowned scientist. A scientist's job is to make technologies for the comfort of human life. I will be a scientist not only for the comfort of human life but also for the well being of the unfortunate. A safe house, clean environment, new technologies, happy health- the unfortunate would no longer be unfortunate. Everyone wants to find the cure of cancer, HIV, etc. I want to find how to destroy them. We all know the population problems- more people less space. I will create such an environment for people and nature to live on other planets like Mars, Jupiter,etc. One planet I would make for nature itself as it is getting destroyed by us humans. There are many problems in the world. I would help the people to have a fresh start using my inventions.

Kerala - God's Own Country

A short report on what I think of Kerala: Kerala, a state in the southwest of India on the Malabar coast, has been nicknamed as God's own country. It has been blessed by an uncountable number of natural resources and beauty, in the narrow surface area it has been given, it is an incarnation of natural beauty which must be truly felt from the in order to enjoy it. Kerala is called God's own country for namely four reasons: God himself made it  Religious tolerance Natural beauty Rich culture On visiting Kerala I experienced all of these things. The first day itself a beautiful, mesmerizing classical dance, exhibiting Kerala's natural beauty. Everywhere I visited, everyone was kind, friendly and all were living together in harmony. Kerala is a state with full literacy, high health care and lower mortality ratio.There were Hindu temples, Muslim mosques and Christian churches, with no communal riots and only great religious tolerance. Unlike other states, Keral

Fruity Facts

These are some facts on fruits that probably you wouldn't have known Strawberries are the only fruits that have seeds on the outside of their skin.  Oranges are kind of peridium, a kind of berry.  The average strawberry has around 200 seeds.  Orange is the most commonly grown tree- fruit.  The second most popular mango variety in Australia is the r2e2.  Apples are actually poison.  Watermelons are 92% water. That's why they are given the name watermelons!  Mangoes contain more Vitamin C than oranges. Can you believe it !?  66.6667% of the world's coconuts are produced in Hawaii.  Cherries help calm your nervous system. Blueberries protect your heart.  In the U.S the apples sold in stores can be upto a year old.  A strawberry isn't actually a berry, but a banana is.  Bananas are slightly radioactive.  There is a   type of   tree,called Fruit Salad Tree, that sprouts 3-7 different types of

Recess Rap

This is a rap I wrote on Recess. Hope you enjoy it! Recess is Fun Especially in the sun. I like to play games, That include brains. I like to play, In my own little way. I like to run, It’s so fun. Recess means no studies, And play with my buddies. I like to play games, That are not lame. If I don’t play, I feel dismay. Now you can see why recess is awesome to me. It’s a success for me. Thank you.... Please Review how it is.

Power of the Cell!

I had learnt this in school and I thought it would be a good topic to share which I call the Power of the Cell! I think most of you know that air exerts pressure on us. It's like elephants resting on all sides of our body. A common question arises: then why don't we get crushed? Well, say thank-you to your cells because they prevent us from crushing!  How? Cells exert pressure in the outwards direction equal to that of the air which exerts pressure in the inward direction. So we don't get feel anything and don't get crushed. Another thing: If I ask you why astronauts wear space suits, your reply will be for oxygen, right? Wrong! Well, not totally, somewhat is used for provision for oxygen, but it is mostly for regulating air pressure as there is no air in space. If there is no air then it obviously means it won't exert pressure. Therefore the cells would continue to exert pressure in the outwards direction and finally explode. Now you can see Th

The Best Moment Spent With My Parents

The Best Moment Spent With My Parents On my 6 th birthday my parents had gifted me an amazing book, in which there was a magical world with elves, dragon and me. Yes, I was also a character in the book! I had asked which book it was when they had gotten a phone call about it, but they didn’t reply. They surprised me when it arrived at the door! When I got it I was so happy and it was the best moment to read the book altogether with my parents as they were busy at that time with my just born sister. This was the best moment ever spent with my parents and I will never forget this moment.

DIY: Painting a coffee jar

I learnt an awesome way of turning a used coffee jar into a beautiful to store other things. This is how to make: Materials Needed: 1 used coffee jar (preferably Nestle's) Assorted Brushes Glass paint, Poster paint. A design in mind, and SKILL!!! (optional) Procedure:  Wash the jar such that it is totally clean and not a speck of dirt is on it. With a slightly wet brush, apply paint Use your own creativity to start creating a design. If you don't understand what to make, decide the use of it and paint it accordingly. For example, for kitchen use you can paint cherries, lemons,etc. Wait for the paint to dry. And use it as you wish There you have it its as easy as 1,2,3!

Poem Review: Judge Me Not

I found this really awesome poem online which very inspiring and perfect for a child's recitation. It's written by Audrey Coatesworth. Judge me not by my face, My colour or my hair. Judge me not by my appearence As that would not be fair. I came to Earth as I am. No discussion of my look. Let it be by all my efforts. The use put to my hand. The courage in bad times, Endurance getting through. Kindness to another, so please judge me by what I do.          Thank you. Actually there are supposed to be a few more lines but I put for a kid's recitation so I guess this is enough.

My So-Called 'Free' Country

This is a poem which I wrote for a school contest  and won first prize in. Title: My So-Called 'Free' Country Inspired By: The sad state of the children doing dangerous work at construction sites. I decided to put myself in their shoes and write their pains in childhood which is supposed to be pleasant. Poem:  I live in a so-called 'Free' country, In which even a child like me is forced to work. The upper class have some liberty to stay around and  watch us, poor, do all the work. The 'democracy' thinks its fair to not even let one single hair on our body rest. I work all day, My parents work every second, And what do we get? Few grains that are wet. We are sold and harassed What a democracy! No one to protest! And if we REFUSE, You what will happen? We are tortured and hit, Beaten and whipped. So what do I want? MY  right, free education for every child. Mercy is not needed, nor charity, Just concern for

Book Review: Percy Jackson Series

I have read hundreds of books but one of my favorite book series is The Percy Jackson's. They are the books of adventure, thrill, a bit inspiration and a world of fantasy. These stories are written by Rick Riordan. There are following books in this series: 1. The Lightning Thief 2. Sea of Monsters 3. The Titan's Curse 4. Battle of Labyrinth 5. The Last Olympian Characters : Perseus (Percy) Jackson the main character, Annabeth Chase the other main character, Grover Underwood Percy's best friend and Luke who is the main evil character. These are the main characters around who the whole stories revolve but there are tons of minor characters. Plot : These stories circulate around a boy named Perseus Jackson, nicknamed Percy. He is a dyslexic and is diagnosed with ADHD. In the first book he is 12 and attends Yancy's School for Troubled Kids. He is a bit negative and bitter at this fact but his mother is fully supportive. She tells Percy everything would be alrigh

Sea waves Erosion and Deposition

Most of these waves form from wind blowing over the water; sometimes steady winds that blow and sometimes from a storm that forms over the water. The energy of waves does the work of erosion when a wave reaches the shore. The highest part of a wave is called the   wave crest. The lowest part is called the   wave trough. The vertical distance from the highest part of a wave to the lowest is called the   wave height. The horizontal distance between one wave crest and the next crest, is called the   wavelength.    Wave-cut cliffs form where waves cut into the bottom part of the cliff, eroding away the soil and rocks there. First the waves cut a notch into the base of the cliff. If enough material is cut away, the cliff above can collapse into the water. Many years of this type of erosion can form a   wave-cut platform   .I f waves erode a cliff from two sides, the erosion produced can form an open area in the cliff called an   arch. If the material above the arch eventual

Warning Stories: Save me from Mother!

My second Warning Story, Save Me From Mother! : T'was year 3029, the not-so-respected Respected John Howard Clienthel Dranih Eatsmain Grundienth Savily the II or John for short was littering again. It was the century of cleanliness but nothing mattered to him. All eyes were on him. Everyone felt like teaching him a lesson, but he was the 'unspoken' leader (actually the dictator, but no one was brave enough to say that) of them so they had no power.No one could do anything. But far away there was one more person watching him with red hot anger, and who was about to do something. Day after day John littered and that person's anger increased. Finally, on April 24 it was the final straw. He started littering mass time, he had no limits. 'The person' was mad and started unfolding. I know what your thinking: unfolding, what!? 'The person' was actually the Earth, or Gaia (the Greek goddess of the Earth). She is technically the 'mother' of all. So


Debate:  Antics and Rhetoric’s matter a lot in winning or losing an election. Side: I am for this statement. Content: Antics and Rhetoric’s definitely matter a lot in winning or losing an election. This is so as to win one needs to be identified and distinguished as a leader by telling the people in an amusing and persuading way.  A politician’s antics should be proper and not to silly too. He must amuse the people but not irritate or annoy them too. Antics connect with the masses sometimes and help in gaining popularity.  His rhetoric’s or way of speaking, have to be in such a way that he persuades the people to vote for him. The mass does not like a boring politician who speaks too little or a silly politician who speaks too much, or vice versa. Antics and rhetoric’s are tools like a knife. If a knife is used for good purpose or bad one, it depends on the user. It is same with antics and rhetorics. Politicians must use these elements not only win an election, but also t

Book Suggestions

I'm a big fan of books and I love to read. I'm sure many other people also love to read. I am going to share about the books I've read in the form of reviews. If anyone has any recommendations, then please feel free to tell. You can even write reviews. Right now I am going to tell some suggestions. Here are some suggestions( I am a picky reader and don't like every book, so I think it will be a pretty good list): 1 Wonder by R.J Palacio 2 When you reach me 3 The giver 4 The invention of Hugo cabret 5 Doll bones 6 Hatchet 7 Wonderstruck 8 Breadcrumbs 9 Miss peregrine's peculiar children series 10 The Percy Jackson series 11 The heroes of Olympus series 12 the hunger games 13 11 birthdays 14 finally 15 13 gifts 16. The hunger games trilogy

Plate Tectonics

Project: Plate Tectonics There are eight major plates on the surface of the Earth. There are also bunches of minor plates.   They constantly move around the planet. Plates move about 10 cm per year. The tectonic plates are   floating   on top of the molten rock and moving around the planet which is called continental drift. When the floating plates spread apart, it's called a spreading center . When they are moving together, it's called a   subduction zone . When they are forced together, it is called a   zone of convergence . There were about 3 times when the land masses were in clumps, the oldest about 1 billion y ears ago, that is the Rodinia, next was called the Pannotia and the most recent one, Pangaea.  First Pangaea  broke in half into two pieces, Laurasia and Gondwana. Then Laurasia broke up into North America, Europe and Asia. Gondwana broke up into South America, Africa, Antartica, and Australia. North America and South America are gradually moving away from E

Invisible! poem

At school we wrote a poem based on No! by Thomas Hood. If you know the poem, then read on and if you don't then here's the link to the poem which you'll have to read to understand mine, Link: My poem: INVISIBLE!           In the universe, in the galaxy,           In the world, in the Earth, In the air, in the land, In the fair, in the game,          In the heart who is known,          In the part which is not known, In the brain, in the mind, In the train, in the find,         In the unknown,         In the for known, Invisible! 

Etruscan Civilisation

The Etruscan Civilization Introduction      Hi, my ancient civilization project is about a culture called “The Etruscan’s Civilization”. The ancient Greeks and Phoenicians had a lot of influence on the Etruscans. It was very interesting to learn about the Etruscans since they were a mix of the Greeks, Phoenicians and had a little originality of their own. I will take you on a fascinating journey back in the time to the Etruscans’ era. Time Period The Etruscans lived from the 11 th   BC to the 1 st   BC and they had 5 periods/ phases. The first was the Villanovan Phase, then the Orientalizing Period, the Archaic Period, the Classic Period and finally the Roman -Etruscan Period. Where they lived The Etruscans lived in Etruria, modern Tuscany. They were bounded by the Tiber and Arno rivers in northern Italy. They were west of the Apennine Mountains, in the region north of Rome. Fashion The fashion of the Etruscans during the 7 th   century BC was similar to the fash

The seismograph

One of my favorite projects was making a Seismograph.  The following is a written report on it: My project demonstrates a seismograph which will detect earthquakes.  A seismograph is the device scientists use to measure earthquakes. The main purpose of it is to accurately record the motion of the ground during an earthquake. It works on the principle of inertia of stationary objects.  Earthquakes are classified based on the type of damage they create. The Richter scale is a standard scale used to classify quakes. It is a  logarithmic scale , meaning that the numbers on the scale measure factors of 10.  On this scale, anything which measures below 2.0 is undetectable to a normal person and are called microquakes which occur constantly. A moderate (an average) earthquake measures 6.0 or less. An earthquake above 6.0 can cause hefty damage. My project, a seismograph, which is a steel structure attached onto a wooden base and suspended from the iron structure is a ribbon and a

Hindi and English Friendship Quotes/ मित्रता पर विचार

यह विचार मैं संकलित की हूँ। यह मित्रता पर विचार हैं english translation- I've compiled this thoughts. These are friendship thoughts.  1. अपने काम , अपने कथन और अपने मित्र के प्रति सच्चे रहिय  2.   मित्रता दो शरीरों में रहने वाली एक आत्मा है . 3.   मित्रता   करने   में   धीमे   रहिये , पर   जब   कर   लीजिये   तो उसे मजबूती से   निभाइए   और   उसपर स्थिर रहिये . 4. दोस्त वो होता है जो आपको आप जैसे हैं वैसा होने की पूरी आज़ादी देता है . 5. मित्र संकट के समय प्रेम दिखाते हैं . 6. मित्रता की भाषा शब्द नहीं अर्थ है . 7. एक सच्चा मित्र वो है जो उस वक़्त आपके साथ खड़ा है जब उसे कहीं और होना चाहिए था . 8. दोस्त और शिष्टाचार आपको वहां ले जायेंगे जहाँ धन नहीं ले जा पायेगा . 0 9. मित्र वो होता है जो आपको जाने और आपको उसी रूप में चाहे 10.              जो सबका मित्र होता है वो किसी का मित्र नहीं होता है .  english translation-  1. be true in y