Warning Stories: Save me from Mother!

My second Warning Story, Save Me From Mother! :

T'was year 3029, the not-so-respected Respected John Howard Clienthel Dranih Eatsmain Grundienth Savily the II or John for short was littering again. It was the century of cleanliness but nothing mattered to him. All eyes were on him. Everyone felt like teaching him a lesson, but he was the 'unspoken' leader (actually the dictator, but no one was brave enough to say that) of them so they had no power.No one could do anything. But far away there was one more person watching him with red hot anger, and who was about to do something.

Day after day John littered and that person's anger increased. Finally, on April 24 it was the final straw. He started littering mass time, he had no limits. 'The person' was mad and started unfolding.
I know what your thinking: unfolding, what!? 'The person' was actually the Earth, or Gaia (the Greek goddess of the Earth). She is technically the 'mother' of all. So, back to the story, she started unfolding. You might be thinking that if the Earth was opening, then wouldn't all the people be thrown into space. Well, yes, but Gaia didn't want her other good children to get hurt, so she swallowed them whole. It is disgusting, but it saved the people. But she didn't swallow John so he was in big trouble. He would've died straight away in space. Gaia didn't allow his death so easily.

She grabbed him and twisted him slowly, but not too hard to kill, only to break ribs.

She dipped parts of him in her magma so it was enough for him to lose limbs but not his life.

 But wait, its not over yet! Gaia collected all what Jonh littered and made him eat it, be it plastic or be it metal.
 At last, she showed all planet friends. They hadn't seen anything so funny since they were planetlets, they laughed more than they could handle.

Gaia's work was over. She disposed of him. A few minutes later everything was normal. But wait, there was still one abnormal thing! What, you may ask. The answer is that everyone was happy as John was Gone!

Warning: There are two warnings in this story-
                 1. Treat others the way YOU want to be treated.
                 2. Treat 'Mother' as your mother, or else she will not also treat you as her 'child'.


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