Book Series Review : Willow Falls Series

Name of Series: Willow Falls Series

Name of Author: Wendy Mass

Genre: Fiction

Books in Series: 11 Birthdays
                            13 Gifts
                            The Last Present

Main Characters: Amanda, Leo, Rory, Tara, Grace, Angelina D'Angelo.

Plot: This series is surprisingly an unknown series. I stumbled onto the first book of the series 11 Birthdays while exploring new books in the library. I was in love with it from the first page. The series is magical............ especially the first book 11 birthdays.
 Best friends Amanda and Leo were born on the same day in the same hospital and have been celebrating their birthdays together ever since. But on their 10th birthday when Amanda hears Leo joking about her with his friends they stop talking to each other for a full year. A year passes and their 11th birthday arrives. Both of them feel its strange to celebrate their birthdays without one another but still they do. For Amanda, it nothing like she planned. The next day when they wake up, its the same day once more and only both of them realize it. It continues for 11 days..... over these days Amanda and Leo become best friends again. 

Finally stars Rory Swenson, a girl waiting to be twelve her entire life because every time she asked for something, her parents would say, ' When you're twelve.' Well now that day has finally arrived! Rory Swenson can do whatever she wants and she's got a list to keep track. But as she starts her list she finds herself face to face with many mishaps. Yet she stays positive and continues to help others along the way. After a party, Rory visits the house of a girl whom she helped and is surprised to find that everyone whom she helped along the journey is a family. She learns that there's more to life than increasing its speed and realizes that she'd rather be a kid than accomplishing the things on her list.

So I have only read these two but I look forward to reading more. I'll keep you updated.

My Opinion: I highly recommend this series for tweens and  younger teens. These are amazing books which are enjoyable and awesome. Love the series.


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