Power of the Cell!

I had learnt this in school and I thought it would be a good topic to share which I call the Power of the Cell!

I think most of you know that air exerts pressure on us. It's like elephants resting on all sides of our body. A common question arises: then why don't we get crushed? Well, say thank-you to your cells because they prevent us from crushing! 


Cells exert pressure in the outwards direction equal to that of the air which exerts pressure in the inward direction. So we don't get feel anything and don't get crushed.

Another thing: If I ask you why astronauts wear space suits, your reply will be for oxygen, right? Wrong! Well, not totally, somewhat is used for provision for oxygen, but it is mostly for regulating air pressure as there is no air in space. If there is no air then it obviously means it won't exert pressure. Therefore the cells would continue to exert pressure in the outwards direction and finally explode.

Now you can see The Power of the Cell!


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