A Plane Ride - With Dad Flying It!

Napolean Hill once said "It takes half of your life before you discover your life is a do-it-yourself project."
So once my dad, decided to do a DIY project - by  flying a plane! We went to a place where you could fly a light aircraft (I don't know what it's called). I went along with my camera because I knew there would be amazing photo ops! Here's a pic I took of the scenery while a pilot was explaining my dad how to fly a plane.

I was pretty happy with this photo. We explored the area, and saw that there were dozens of planes.Pretty soon, we were allocated our own plane to fly as well. It was this one:

After a long wait, we boarded the tiny plane. The insides were so small and cute. It was kind of congested, though, and it became difficult to breathe. Or perhaps, it was because I was so excited? This was a pic I took just as we were about to take off:

And then, we finally took off! It was amazing! But my heart was thumping too, because dad was piloting it. Thank god, we didn't crash! The controls were super complex, and it was a wonder dad understood anything. Dad did a few fancy maneuveres and we cut through the sky. Some time later, we lazily rode on the winds. At that time, I took these photos:

I especially like the second one, it's beautiful to see how the land and sea meet, the difference between the two vibrant bodies is striking. 
All in all, it was an exhilarating experience. After all, it's the little things in life that we enjoy!


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