
Showing posts from May, 2015

My Meme

I made a meme of the characters "The Wannabe Penguins." Please tell how it is:

Book Series Review : Willow Falls Series

Name of Series: Willow Falls Series Name of Author: Wendy Mass Genre: Fiction Books in Series: 11 Birthdays                             Finally!                             13 Gifts                             The Last Present                             Graceful  Main Characters: Amanda, Leo, Rory, Tara, Grace, Angelina D'Angelo. Plot: This series is surprisingly an unknown series. I stumbled onto the first book of the series 11 Birthdays while exploring new books in the library. I was in love with it from the first page. The series is magical............ especially the first book 11 birthdays.  Best friends Amanda and Leo were born on the same day in the same hospital and have been celebrating their birthdays together ever since. But on their 10th birthday when Amanda hears Leo joking about her with his friends they stop talking to each other for a full year. A year passes and their 11th birthday arrives. Both of them feel its strange to celebrate their

Questions for YOU....

Here are some questions to you, my viewers and readers, which would be cool to answer: 1. What came first, the chicken or the egg? 2. Can you cry underwater? 3. If man evolved from apes, why are apes still there? 4. Why are whales fat if swimming is such a good exercise? 5. Do fish get thirsty? 6. What is the speed of darkness? 7. Why doesn't glue stick to its bottle? 8. Why are there exceptions to every rule? 9. Is the universe finite or infinite? 10. How did such a big universe come from a small point? (referring to the Big Bang theory) 11. Why are humans only so special, among other animals? 12. Why was time invented? 13. Why is it that everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die? 14. If practice makes perfect, then how is nobody perfect? 15. Why does your nose  run and your feet smell? Try answering these.....remember there's no correct answer so just do it for fun. And what if you accidentally get a logical answer, you could b